The shrink film process typically involves two steps:
Wrapping and Sealing the product.
Applying heat to shrink (firmly tighten) the film around the product.
Wrapping and Sealing
The most popular wrapping & Sealing machine is the L-bar sealer. The name derives from the fact that the sealing bar is in the shape of a backward ‘L’. The L-bar sealer which comes in variety of sizes, and with a variety of options, trim and seal the shrink film with each downstroke or cycle of the sealing bar. By using a center fold shrink film, side seals of the package are simultaneously formed, producing a fully sealed individual bag around each product – ready to be heated and shrink wrapped.
Applying heat to shrink the film
The most common method of applying heat to shrink film is a hot air circulating chamber, otherwise known as a heat tunnel. Products travel through the tunnel, and are exposed to heat for only a few seconds. While traveling through the tunnel, shrinkage occurs. Since this only takes a few seconds, only the film will be affected by the heat, and not the product. Occasionally,heat guns are used to apply heat and shrinkage.